Subscribing to our service is simple and cost effective.
You can select to have your own custom site generated and managed by you.
Or you can Subscribe to or one of our niche job board sites and participate in posting and managing your job vacancies.
Access to the Primary Job Board Site - for unlimited job posting.
Subscribe per month or for 12 months
contact our team for full details.
Access to your own job board.
Subscribe per month or for 12 months
contact our team for full details.
Access to one of our Industry Specific niche job board sites.
Subscribe per month or for 12 months
contact our team for full details.
Liquidfeet strive to provide a competitive and innovative ‘job board’ technology resource for facilitating connetion of potenalial employee to employer.
Liquidfeet strive to provide a competitive and innovative "jobs board" technology resource for facilitating the connection of potential employee to employer.